UV resistant polyurethane coating

Polyurethane coating containing nanoparticles to improve UV resistance

Introduction Application Properties Advantage Of Using Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology-based two-component polyurethane coatings are very appropriate as the finishing layer on epoxy protective coatings which are frequently used on any type of metallic surfaces like bridges, ships and tankers due to their beauty and gloss. One of the furthermost significant properties of such coatings is UV resistance as ultraviolet (UV) rays  is considered as one of the main environmental damaging issues for surfaces exposed to sunlight. This wavelength is in the range of electromagnetic waves as it is with shorter wavelengths and more energy than visible light that is present in sunlight and encompass about 10% of entire waves released from the sun. Nowadays, due to growing environmental contamination as well as ozone depletion, the passing rate of UV rays throughout the Earth's atmosphere has increased caused further damages in different aspects of urban life like the external side of a structure made of several materials such as metals, ceramics, wood or polymers. Comes with. This destruction happens in the system of deterioration, bruising or staining of the frontage of the structure or any other part wide-open to UV radiation. One method to keep surfaces away from UV rays is to spread surface coat over them.

  • The finishing layer on epoxy protective coatings
  • Coating on metallic surfaces like bridges, ships and tankers as the final layer
  • Magnificence and gloss
  • Superior abrasion and impact resistance
  • Resistance to sunlight
  • Resistance to water and also chemicals
  • Exceptional bond as the finishing layer during paint application

For measuring the resistance of the coating to QUV-B radiation, the control sample along with the final sample were exposed to UV radiation according to D2244 ASTM standard. Based on the results of the colorimetric test, the quantity of ΔE changes as a measure of UV coating degradation (QUV-B) has been enhanced by approximately 28% after 200 hours by addition of nanoparticles to the base polyurethane coating.

Consequently, based on the Iranian ISO national standard No. 2-80004, the product comprises nanoparticles as due to the consequence of the nanometer component presence on improving the favorite properties, the product can be accounted for as a field of nanotechnology.

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